# # Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk ARCH:=mipsel BOARD:=au1000 BOARDNAME:=AMD Alchemy AU1x00 FEATURES:=jffs2 usb pci LINUX_VERSION:= define Target/Description Build firmware for AMD Alchemy 1500 boards (e.g. 4G-Systems Mesh/Access Cube ...) endef include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/kernel-build.mk DEFAULT_PACKAGES += yamonenv define Kernel/BuildImage $(call Kernel/BuildImage/Default) $(CP) $(LINUX_DIR)/arch/mips/boot/compressed/images/zImage.flash.srec $(LINUX_DIR)/zImage.flash.srec $(CP) $(LINUX_DIR)/arch/mips/boot/compressed/images/zImage.srec $(LINUX_DIR)/zImage.srec endef # include the profiles -include profiles/*.mk $(eval $(call BuildKernel))