2007-10-11 Benoit PAPILLAULT Conformance testing to the following standards: * ETSI 301 893 v1.4.1 (dated 2007-07) * FCC * IEEE 802.11h-2003 (dated 2003-10-14) ETSI and FCC defines the regulation constraints and defines several roles : * "master" * "slave without radar detection" * "slave with radar detection" Frequencies & channels where DFS is applicable: * ETSI : 5250-5350MHz , 5470-5725MHz * IEEE 802.11 center frequencies : 5260, 5280, 5300, 5320 5500, 5520, 5540, 5560, 5580, 5600, 5620, 5640, 5660, 5680, 5700 * IEEE 802.11 channels : 52, 56, 60, 64 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140 Simulating a radar pulse: echo " " > /proc/sys/dev/wifi0/radar_pulse Simulating a radar detected event: iwpriv wlan0 doth_radar == Notes on DFS in various modes == A VAP interface can be used in several modes: * IEEE80211_M_STA "sta" : DFS is implemented as "slave" * IEEE80211_M_IBSS "adhoc" : DFS is implemented as "master" * IEEE80211_M_AHDEMO "ahdemo" : DFS is implemented as "master" * IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP "ap" : DFS is implemented as "master" * IEEE80211_M_MONITOR "monitor" : DFS is not implemented * IEEE80211_M_WDS "wds" : DFS is implemented as "master" == Implementation notes == sc->sc_curchan.privFlags & CHANNEL_DFS is set if ETSI/FCC compliance is required by regulation. It does not mean that 802.11h is required. This flag is automatically adjusted by ath_radar_correct_dfs_flags() according to the regulation for the specified frequency. ic->ic_flags & IEEE80211_F_DOTH is set if IEEE 802.11h is required. It matches dot11SpectrumManagementRequired as described in IEEE 802.11h. Default value is 1 and can be changed at anytime by the user through iwpriv. ETSI/FCC mechanisms (Channel Availability Check, In-Service Monitoring, Channel Shutdown, Non-Occupancy Period) and IEEE 802.11h magnums (Selecting and advertising a new channel, ...) are implemented ONLY if both flags are set.