#!/bin/sh # This script gives information about bmx6 # Can be executed from a linux shell: ./bmx6-info -s links # Or from web interfae (with cgi enabled): http://host/cgi-bin/bmx6-info?links # Special methods are tagged with '$', like $myself or $neighbours: http://host/cgi-bin/bmx6-info?$myself # When '$' is not used, raw bmx6 information from the filesystem is returned (/var/runb/bmx6/json/) BMX6_DIR="$(uci get bmx6.general.runtimeDir 2>/dev/null)" || BMX6_DIR="/var/run/bmx6/json" #Checking if shell mode or cgi-bin mode if [ "$1" == "-s" ]; then QUERY="$2" else QUERY="${QUERY_STRING%%=*}" QUERY="${QUERY%%\?*}" QUERY="${QUERY%%\&*}" echo "Content-type: application/json" echo "" fi check_path() { [ -d "$1" ] && path=$(cd $1; pwd) [ -f "$1" ] && path=$(cd $1/..; pwd) [ $(echo "$path" | grep -c "^$BMX6_DIR") -ne 1 ] && exit 1 } print_query() { # If the query is a directory [ -d "$BMX6_DIR/$1" ] && { # If /all has not been specified [ -z "$QALL" ] && { total=$(ls $BMX6_DIR/$1 | wc -w) i=1 echo -n "{ \"$1\": [ " for f in $(ls $BMX6_DIR/$1); do echo -n "{ \"name\": \"$f\" }" [ $i -lt $total ] && echo -n ',' i=$(( $i + 1 )) done echo -n " ] }" # If /all has been specified, printing all the files together } || { comma="" echo -n "[ " for entry in "$BMX6_DIR/$1/"*; do [ -f "$entry" ] && { ${comma:+echo -n "$comma"} tr -d '\n' < "$entry" comma="," } done echo -n " ]" } } # If the query is a file, just printing the file [ -f "$BMX6_DIR/$1" ] && cat "$BMX6_DIR/$1"; } if [ "${QUERY##*/}" == "all" ]; then QUERY="${QUERY%/all}" QALL=1 fi if [ "$QUERY" == '$myself' ]; then hostname="$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname)" ip6="$(bmx6 -c show=status | grep ^BMX | awk '{print $5}')" ip4="$(bmx6 -c show=status | grep ^BMX | awk '{print $6}')" cidr6=$(lua -l luci.ip -e "ip=luci.ip.new(\"$ip6\"); print(ip:network():string()..'/'..ip:prefix())") cidr4=$(lua -l luci.ip -e "ip=luci.ip.new(\"$ip4\"); print(ip:network():string()..'/'..ip:prefix())") echo -n "{\"myself\":{\"hostname\":\"$hostname\",\"ip6\":\"$ip6\",\"ip4\":\"$ip4\",\"net6\":\"$cidr6\",\"net4\":\"$cidr4\"}}" exit 0 fi if [ "$QUERY" == '$info' ]; then echo -n '{ "info": [ ' print_query status echo -n "," print_query interfaces echo -n "] }" exit 0 fi if [ "$QUERY" == '$neighbours' ]; then QALL=1 echo -n '{ "neighbours": [ ' echo -n '{ "originators": ' print_query originators echo -n '}, ' echo -n '{ "descriptions": ' print_query descriptions echo -n "} ] }" exit 0 fi if [ "$QUERY" == '$tunnels' ]; then bmx6 -c --jshow tunnels /r=0 exit 0 fi if [ "$QUERY" == "" ]; then echo -n '{ "queries": [' echo -n '{ "name": "$myself", "info": "basic network information of self node" },' echo -n '{ "name": "$info", "info": "full network and device information of self node" },' echo -n '{ "name": "$tunnels", "info": "accnouncements (tunnels) published by the mesh network" },' echo -n '{ "name": "$neighbours", "info": "list of all my neighbours and their information" },' echo -n '{ "name": "/", "info": "raw bmx6 json API" }]}' exit 0 fi check_path "$BMX6_DIR/$QUERY" print_query $QUERY #ls -1F "$BMX6_DIR" exit 0