/* * Microcontroller Message Bus * * Copyright (c) 2009 Michael Buesch * * Licensed under the GNU/GPL. See COPYING for details. */ #include "ucmb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PFX "ucmb: " MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Microcontroller Message Bus"); MODULE_AUTHOR("Michael Buesch"); struct ucmb { /* Misc character device driver */ struct miscdevice mdev; struct file_operations mdev_fops; /* SPI driver */ struct spi_device *sdev; /* SPI-GPIO driver */ struct spi_gpio_platform_data spi_gpio_pdata; struct platform_device spi_gpio_pdev; }; struct ucmb_message_hdr { __le16 magic; /* UCMB_MAGIC */ __le16 len; /* Payload length (excluding header) */ } __attribute__((packed)); struct ucmb_status { __le16 magic; /* UCMB_MAGIC */ __le16 code; /* enum ucmb_status_code */ } __attribute__((packed)); #define UCMB_MAGIC 0x1337 #define UCMB_MAX_MSG_LEN 0x200 enum ucmb_status_code { UCMB_STAT_OK = 0, UCMB_STAT_EPROTO, /* Protocol format error */ UCMB_STAT_ENOMEM, /* Out of memory */ UCMB_STAT_E2BIG, /* Message too big */ }; static int ucmb_spi_busnum_count = 1337; static struct ucmb_platform_data ucmb_list[] = { { //FIXME don't define it here. .name = "ucmb", .gpio_cs = 3, .gpio_sck = 0, .gpio_miso = 1, .gpio_mosi = 2, }, }; static int __devinit ucmb_spi_probe(struct spi_device *sdev) { return 0; } static int __devexit ucmb_spi_remove(struct spi_device *sdev) { return 0; } static struct spi_driver ucmb_spi_driver = { .driver = { .name = "ucmb", .bus = &spi_bus_type, .owner = THIS_MODULE, }, .probe = ucmb_spi_probe, .remove = __devexit_p(ucmb_spi_remove), }; static int ucmb_status_code_to_errno(enum ucmb_status_code code) { switch (code) { case UCMB_STAT_OK: return 0; case UCMB_STAT_EPROTO: return -EPROTO; case UCMB_STAT_ENOMEM: return -ENOMEM; case UCMB_STAT_E2BIG: return -E2BIG; } return -EBUSY; } static inline struct ucmb * filp_to_ucmb(struct file *filp) { return container_of(filp->f_op, struct ucmb, mdev_fops); } /* FIXME offp */ static ssize_t ucmb_read(struct file *filp, char __user *user_buf, size_t size, loff_t *offp) { struct ucmb *ucmb = filp_to_ucmb(filp); u8 *buf; int res, err; struct ucmb_message_hdr hdr; struct ucmb_status status = { .magic = cpu_to_le16(UCMB_MAGIC), }; err = -E2BIG; if (size > PAGE_SIZE) goto out; if (size > UCMB_MAX_MSG_LEN) goto out; err = -ENOMEM; buf = (char *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL); if (!buf) goto out; err = spi_read(ucmb->sdev, (u8 *)&hdr, sizeof(hdr)); if (err) goto out_free; err = -EPROTO; if (hdr.magic != cpu_to_le16(UCMB_MAGIC)) goto out_free; err = -ENOBUFS; if (size < le16_to_cpu(hdr.len)) goto out_free; size = le16_to_cpu(hdr.len); err = spi_read(ucmb->sdev, buf, size); if (err) goto out_free; err = -EFAULT; if (copy_to_user(user_buf, buf, size)) goto out_send_status; err = 0; out_send_status: status.code = err ? UCMB_STAT_ENOMEM : UCMB_STAT_OK; res = spi_write(ucmb->sdev, (u8 *)&status, sizeof(status)); if (res && !err) err = res; out_free: free_page((unsigned long)buf); out: return err ? err : size; } /* FIXME offp */ static ssize_t ucmb_write(struct file *filp, const char __user *user_buf, size_t size, loff_t *offp) { struct ucmb *ucmb = filp_to_ucmb(filp); u8 *buf; int err; struct ucmb_message_hdr hdr = { .magic = cpu_to_le16(UCMB_MAGIC), }; struct ucmb_status status; struct spi_transfer spi_hdr_xfer; struct spi_transfer spi_data_xfer; struct spi_message spi_msg; err = -ENOMEM; buf = (char *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL); if (!buf) goto out; size = min_t(size_t, PAGE_SIZE, size); size = min_t(size_t, UCMB_MAX_MSG_LEN, size); err = -EFAULT; if (copy_from_user(buf, user_buf, size)) goto out_free; hdr.len = cpu_to_le16(size); spi_message_init(&spi_msg); memset(&spi_hdr_xfer, 0, sizeof(spi_hdr_xfer)); spi_hdr_xfer.tx_buf = &hdr; spi_hdr_xfer.len = sizeof(hdr); spi_message_add_tail(&spi_hdr_xfer, &spi_msg); memset(&spi_data_xfer, 0, sizeof(spi_data_xfer)); spi_data_xfer.tx_buf = buf; spi_data_xfer.len = size; spi_message_add_tail(&spi_data_xfer, &spi_msg); /* Send the message, including header. */ err = spi_sync(ucmb->sdev, &spi_msg); if (err) goto out_free; /* The microcontroller deserves some time to process the message. */ msleep(1); /* Get the status code. */ err = spi_read(ucmb->sdev, (u8 *)&status, sizeof(status)); if (err) goto out_free; err = -EPROTO; if (status.magic != cpu_to_le16(UCMB_MAGIC)) goto out_free; err = ucmb_status_code_to_errno(le16_to_cpu(status.code)); if (err) goto out_free; out_free: free_page((unsigned long)buf); out: return err ? err : size; } static int __devinit ucmb_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct ucmb_platform_data *pdata; struct ucmb *ucmb; int err; const int bus_num = ucmb_spi_busnum_count++; struct spi_bitbang *bb; pdata = pdev->dev.platform_data; if (!pdata) return -ENXIO; ucmb = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ucmb), GFP_KERNEL); if (!ucmb) return -ENOMEM; /* Create the SPI GPIO bus master. */ #ifdef CONFIG_SPI_GPIO_MODULE err = request_module("spi_gpio"); if (err) printk(KERN_WARNING PFX "Failed to request spi_gpio module\n"); #endif /* CONFIG_SPI_GPIO_MODULE */ ucmb->spi_gpio_pdata.sck = pdata->gpio_sck; ucmb->spi_gpio_pdata.mosi = pdata->gpio_mosi; ucmb->spi_gpio_pdata.miso = pdata->gpio_miso; ucmb->spi_gpio_pdata.num_chipselect = 1; ucmb->spi_gpio_pdev.name = "spi_gpio"; ucmb->spi_gpio_pdev.id = bus_num; ucmb->spi_gpio_pdev.dev.platform_data = &ucmb->spi_gpio_pdata; err = platform_device_register(&ucmb->spi_gpio_pdev); if (err) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Failed to register SPI-GPIO platform device\n"); goto err_free_ucmb; } bb = platform_get_drvdata(&ucmb->spi_gpio_pdev); if (!bb || !bb->master) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "No bitbanged master device found.\n"); goto err_unreg_spi_gpio_pdev; } /* Create the SPI device. */ ucmb->sdev = spi_alloc_device(bb->master); if (!ucmb->sdev) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Failed to allocate SPI device\n"); goto err_unreg_spi_gpio_pdev; } ucmb->sdev->max_speed_hz = 500000; ucmb->sdev->chip_select = 0; ucmb->sdev->mode = SPI_MODE_0; strlcpy(ucmb->sdev->modalias, "ucmb", /* We are the SPI driver. */ sizeof(ucmb->sdev->modalias)); ucmb->sdev->controller_data = (void *)pdata->gpio_cs; err = spi_add_device(ucmb->sdev); if (err) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Failed to add SPI device\n"); goto err_free_spi_device; } /* Create the Misc char device. */ ucmb->mdev.minor = MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR; ucmb->mdev.name = pdata->name; ucmb->mdev.parent = &pdev->dev; ucmb->mdev_fops.read = ucmb_read; ucmb->mdev_fops.write = ucmb_write; ucmb->mdev.fops = &ucmb->mdev_fops; err = misc_register(&ucmb->mdev); if (err) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Failed to register miscdev %s\n", ucmb->mdev.name); goto err_unreg_spi_device; } platform_set_drvdata(pdev, ucmb); printk(KERN_INFO PFX "Registered message bus \"%s\"\n", pdata->name); return 0; err_unreg_spi_device: spi_unregister_device(ucmb->sdev); err_free_spi_device: spi_dev_put(ucmb->sdev); err_unreg_spi_gpio_pdev: platform_device_unregister(&ucmb->spi_gpio_pdev); err_free_ucmb: kfree(ucmb); return err; } static int __devexit ucmb_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct ucmb *ucmb = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); int err; err = misc_deregister(&ucmb->mdev); if (err) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Failed to unregister miscdev %s\n", ucmb->mdev.name); } spi_unregister_device(ucmb->sdev); spi_dev_put(ucmb->sdev); platform_device_unregister(&ucmb->spi_gpio_pdev); kfree(ucmb); platform_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); return 0; } static struct platform_driver ucmb_driver = { .driver = { .name = "ucmb", .owner = THIS_MODULE, }, .probe = ucmb_probe, .remove = __devexit_p(ucmb_probe), }; static int ucmb_modinit(void) { struct ucmb_platform_data *pdata; struct platform_device *pdev; int err, i; printk(KERN_INFO "Microcontroller message bus driver\n"); err = platform_driver_register(&ucmb_driver); if (err) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Failed to register platform driver\n"); return err; } err = spi_register_driver(&ucmb_spi_driver); if (err) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Failed to register SPI driver\n"); platform_driver_unregister(&ucmb_driver); return err; } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ucmb_list); i++) { pdata = &ucmb_list[i]; pdev = platform_device_alloc("ucmb", i); if (!pdev) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Failed to allocate platform device.\n"); break; } err = platform_device_add_data(pdev, pdata, sizeof(*pdata)); if (err) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Failed to add platform data.\n"); platform_device_put(pdev); break; } err = platform_device_add(pdev); if (err) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Failed to register platform device.\n"); platform_device_put(pdev); break; } pdata->pdev = pdev; } return 0; } module_init(ucmb_modinit); static void ucmb_modexit(void) { struct ucmb_platform_data *pdata; int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ucmb_list); i++) { pdata = &ucmb_list[i]; if (pdata->pdev) { platform_device_unregister(pdata->pdev); platform_device_put(pdata->pdev); } } spi_unregister_driver(&ucmb_spi_driver); platform_driver_unregister(&ucmb_driver); } module_exit(ucmb_modexit);