--[[ Copyright (C) 2011 Pau Escrich Contributors Jo-Philipp Wich This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". --]] local bmx6json = require("luci.model.bmx6json") module("luci.controller.bmx6", package.seeall) function index() local place = {} local ucim = require "luci.model.uci" local uci = ucim.cursor() -- checking if ignore is on if uci:get("luci-bmx6","luci","ignore") == "1" then return nil end -- getting value from uci database local uci_place = uci:get("luci-bmx6","luci","place") -- default values if uci_place == nil then place = {"bmx6"} else local util = require "luci.util" place = util.split(uci_place," ") end -- getting position of menu local uci_position = uci:get("luci-bmx6","luci","position") --------------------------- -- Starting with the pages --------------------------- --- status (default) entry(place,call("action_nodes_j"),place[#place],tonumber(uci_position)) table.insert(place,"Status") entry(place,call("action_status_j"),"Status",0) table.remove(place) --- nodes table.insert(place,"Nodes") entry(place,call("action_nodes_j"),"Nodes",1) table.remove(place) --- links table.insert(place,"Links") entry(place,call("action_links"),"Links",2).leaf = true table.remove(place) -- Tunnels table.insert(place,"Tunnels") entry(place,call("action_tunnels_j"), "Tunnels", 3).leaf = true table.remove(place) --- Chat table.insert(place,"Chat") entry(place,call("action_chat"),"Chat",5) table.remove(place) --- Graph table.insert(place,"Graph") entry(place, template("bmx6/graph"), "Graph",4) table.remove(place) --- Topology (hidden) table.insert(place,"topology") entry(place, call("action_topology"), nil) table.remove(place) --- configuration (CBI) table.insert(place,"Configuration") entry(place, cbi("bmx6/main"), "Configuration",6).dependent=false table.insert(place,"General") entry(place, cbi("bmx6/main"), "General",1) table.remove(place) table.insert(place,"Advanced") entry(place, cbi("bmx6/advanced"), "Advanced",5) table.remove(place) table.insert(place,"Interfaces") entry(place, cbi("bmx6/interfaces"), "Interfaces",2) table.remove(place) table.insert(place,"Tunnels") entry(place, cbi("bmx6/tunnels"), "Tunnels",3) table.remove(place) table.insert(place,"Plugins") entry(place, cbi("bmx6/plugins"), "Plugins",6) table.remove(place) table.insert(place,"HNAv6") entry(place, cbi("bmx6/hna"), "HNAv6",4) table.remove(place) table.remove(place) end function action_status_j() luci.template.render("bmx6/status_j", {}) end function action_nodes_j() local http = require "luci.http" local link_non_js = "/cgi-bin/luci" .. http.getenv("PATH_INFO") .. '/nodes_nojs' luci.template.render("bmx6/nodes_j", {link_non_js=link_non_js}) end function action_gateways_j() luci.template.render("bmx6/gateways_j", {}) end function action_tunnels_j() luci.template.render("bmx6/tunnels_j", {}) end function action_links(host) local links = bmx6json.get("links", host) local devlinks = {} local _,l if links ~= nil then links = links.links for _,l in ipairs(links) do devlinks[l.viaDev] = {} end for _,l in ipairs(links) do l.name = luci.util.split(l.name,'.')[1] table.insert(devlinks[l.viaDev],l) end end luci.template.render("bmx6/links", {links=devlinks}) end function action_topology() local originators = bmx6json.get("originators/all") local o,i,l,i2 local first = true local topology = '[ ' local cache = '/tmp/bmx6-topology.json' local offset = 60 local cachefd = io.open(cache,r) local update = false if cachefd ~= nil then local lastupdate = tonumber(cachefd:read("*line")) or 0 if os.time() >= lastupdate + offset then update = true else topology = cachefd:read("*all") end cachefd:close() end if cachefd == nil or update then for i,o in ipairs(originators) do local links = bmx6json.get("links",o.primaryIp) if links then if first then first = false else topology = topology .. ', ' end topology = topology .. '{ "name": "%s", "links": [' %o.name local first2 = true for i2,l in ipairs(links.links) do if first2 then first2 = false else topology = topology .. ', ' end name = l.name or l.llocalIp or "unknown" topology = topology .. '{ "name": "%s", "rxRate": %s, "txRate": %s }' %{ name, l.rxRate, l.txRate } end topology = topology .. ']}' end end topology = topology .. ' ]' -- Upgrading the content of the cache file cachefd = io.open(cache,'w+') cachefd:write(os.time()..'\n') cachefd:write(topology) cachefd:close() end luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write(topology) end function action_chat() local sms_dir = "/var/run/bmx6/sms" local rcvd_dir = sms_dir .. "/rcvdSms" local send_file = sms_dir .. "/sendSms/chat" local sms_list = bmx6json.get("rcvdSms") local sender = "" local sms_file = "" local chat = {} local to_send = nil local sent = "" local fd = nil if luci.sys.call("test -d " .. sms_dir) ~= 0 then luci.template.render("bmx6/error", {txt="sms plugin disabled or some problem with directory " .. sms_dir}) return nil end sms_list = luci.util.split(luci.util.exec("ls "..rcvd_dir.."/*:chat")) for _,sms_path in ipairs(sms_list) do if #sms_path > #rcvd_dir then sms_file = luci.util.split(sms_path,'/') sms_file = sms_file[#sms_file] sender = luci.util.split(sms_file,':')[1] -- Trying to clean the name if string.find(sender,".") ~= nil then sender = luci.util.split(sender,".")[1] end fd = io.open(sms_path,"r") chat[sender] = fd:read() fd:close() end end to_send = luci.http.formvalue("toSend") if to_send ~= nil and #to_send > 1 then fd = io.open(send_file,"w") fd:write(to_send) fd:close() sent = to_send else sent = luci.util.exec("cat "..send_file) end luci.template.render("bmx6/chat", {chat=chat,sent=sent}) end