--[[ Copyright (C) 2014 - Eloi Carbó Solé (GSoC2014) BGP/Bird integration with OpenWRT and QMP This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . --]] require("luci.sys") local http = require "luci.http" local uci = require "luci.model.uci" local uciout = uci.cursor() m=Map("bird6", "Bird6 general protocol's configuration.") -- Optional parameters lists local protoptions = { {["name"]="table", ["help"]="Auxiliar table for routing", ["depends"]={"static","kernel"}}, {["name"]="import", ["help"]="Set if the protocol must import routes", ["depends"]={"kernel"}}, {["name"]="export", ["help"]="Set if the protocol must export routes", ["depends"]={"kernel"}}, {["name"]="scan_time", ["help"]="Time between scans", ["depends"]={"kernel","device"}}, {["name"]="kernel_table", ["help"]="Set which table must be used as auxiliar kernel table", ["depends"]={"kernel"}}, {["name"]="learn", ["help"]="Learn routes", ["depends"]={"kernel"}}, {["name"]="persist", ["help"]="Store routes. After a restart, routes will be still configured", ["depends"]={"kernel"}} } local routeroptions = { {["name"]="prefix",["help"]="",["depends"]={"router","special","iface","multipath","recursive"}}, {["name"]="via",["help"]="",["depends"]={"router","multipath"}}, {["name"]="attribute",["help"]="",["depends"]={"special"}}, {["name"]="iface",["help"]="",["depends"]={"iface"}}, {["name"]="ip",["help"]="",["depends"]={"recursive"}} } -- -- KERNEL PROTOCOL -- sect_kernel_protos = m:section(TypedSection, "kernel", "Kernel options", "Configuration of the kernel protocols. First Instance MUST be Primary table (no table or kernel_table fields).") sect_kernel_protos.addremove = true sect_kernel_protos.anonymous = false -- Default kernel parameters disabled = sect_kernel_protos:option(Flag, "disabled", "Disabled", "If this option is true, the protocol will not be configured.") disabled.default=0 -- Optional parameters for _,o in ipairs(protoptions) do if o.name ~= nil then for _, d in ipairs(o.depends) do if d == "kernel" then if o.name == "learn" or o.name == "persist" then value = sect_kernel_protos:option(Flag, o.name, translate(o.name), translate(o.help)) elseif o.name == "table" then value = sect_kernel_protos:option(ListValue, o.name, translate(o.name), translate(o.help)) uciout:foreach("bird6", "table", function (s) value:value(s.name) end) value:value("") else value = sect_kernel_protos:option(Value, o.name, translate(o.name), translate(o.help)) end value.optional = true value.rmempty = true end end end end -- -- DEVICE PROTOCOL -- sect_device_protos = m:section(TypedSection, "device", "Device options", "Configuration of the device protocols.") sect_device_protos.addremove = true sect_device_protos.anonymous = false -- Default kernel parameters disabled = sect_device_protos:option(Flag, "disabled", "Disabled", "If this option is true, the protocol will not be configured.") disabled.default=0 -- Optional parameters for _,o in ipairs(protoptions) do if o.name ~= nil then for _, d in ipairs(o.depends) do if d == "device" then value = sect_device_protos:option(Value, o.name, translate(o.name), translate(o.help)) value.optional = true value.rmempty = true end end end end -- -- STATIC PROTOCOL -- sect_static_protos = m:section(TypedSection, "static", "Static options", "Configuration of the static protocols.") sect_static_protos.addremove = true sect_static_protos.anonymous = false -- Default kernel parameters disabled = sect_static_protos:option(Flag, "disabled", "Disabled", "If this option is true, the protocol will not be configured.") disabled.default=0 -- Optional parameters for _,o in ipairs(protoptions) do if o.name ~= nil then for _, d in ipairs(o.depends) do if d == "static" then if o.name == "table" then value = sect_static_protos:option(ListValue, o.name, translate(o.name), translate(o.help)) uciout:foreach("bird6", "table", function (s) value:value(s.name) end) value:value("") else value = sect_static_protos:option(Value, o.name, translate(o.name), translate(o.help)) end value.optional = true value.rmempty = true end end end end -- -- ROUTES FOR STATIC PROTOCOL -- sect_routes = m:section(TypedSection, "route", "Routes configuration", "Configuration of the routes used in static protocols.") sect_routes.addremove = true sect_routes.anonymous = true instance = sect_routes:option(ListValue, "instance", "Route instance", "") i = 0 uciout:foreach("bird6", "static", function (s) instance:value(s[".name"]) end) prefix = sect_routes:option(Value, "prefix", "Route prefix", "") prefix.datatype = "ip6prefix" type = sect_routes:option(ListValue, "type", "Type of route", "") type:value("router") type:value("special") type:value("iface") type:value("recursive") type:value("multipath") valueVia = sect_routes:option(Value, "via", "Via", "") valueVia.optional = false valueVia:depends("type", "router") valueVia.datatype = "ip6addr" listVia = sect_routes:option(DynamicList, "l_via", "Via", "") listVia:depends("type", "multipath") listVia.optional=false listVia.datatype = "ip6addr" attribute = sect_routes:option(Value, "attribute", "Attribute", "Types are: unreachable, prohibit and blackhole") attribute:depends("type", "special") iface = sect_routes:option(ListValue, "iface", "Interface", "") iface:depends("type", "iface") uciout:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(section) iface:value(section[".name"]) end) ip = sect_routes:option(Value, "ip", "IP address", "") ip:depends("type", "ip") ip.datatype = [[ or"ip4addr", "ip6addr" ]] function m.on_commit(self,map) luci.sys.call('/etc/init.d/bird6 stop; /etc/init.d/bird6 start') end return m