- rawdog 1.4 Fix option-compatibility code (reported by BAM). Add HTTP basic authentication support (which means modifying feedparser again). Print a more useful error if the statefile can't be read. - rawdog 1.3 Reverted the "retry immediately" behaviour from 1.2, since it causes denied or broken feeds to get checked every time rawdog is run. Updated feedparser to 2.5.3, which now returns the XML encoding used. rawdog uses this information to convert all incoming items into Unicode, so multiple encodings are now handled correctly. Non-ASCII characters are encoded using HTML numeric character references (since this allows me to leave the HTML charset as ISO-8859-1; it's non-trivial to get Apache to serve arbitrary HTML files with the right Content-Type, and using won't override HTTP headers). Use standard option syntax (i.e. "--update --write" instead of "update write"). The old syntax will be supported until 2.0. Error output from reading the config file and from --update now goes to stderr instead of stdout. Made the socket timeout configurable (which also means the included copy of feedparser isn't modified any more). Added --config option to read an additional config file; this lets you have multiple output files with different options. Allow "outputfile -" to write the output to stdout; useful if you want to have cron mail the output to you rather than putting it on a web page. Added --show-template option to show the template currently in use (so you can customise it yourself), and "template" config option to allow the user to specify their own template. Added --dir option for people who want two lots of rawdog state (for two sets of feeds, for instance). Added "maxage" config option for people who want "only items added in the last hour", and made it possible to disable maxarticles by setting it to 0. - rawdog 1.2 Updated feedparser to 2.5.2, which fixes a bug that was making rawdog handle content incorrectly in Echo feeds, handles more content encoding methods, and returns HTTP status codes. (I've applied a small patch to correct handling of some Echo feeds.) Added useful messages for different HTTP status codes and HTTP timeouts. Since rawdog reads a config file, it can't automatically update redirected feeds, but it will now tell you about them. Note that for "fatal" errors (anything except a 2xx response or a redirect), rawdog will now retry the feed next time it's run. Prefer "content" over "content_encoded", and fall back correctly if no useful "content" is found. - rawdog 1.1 rawdog now preserves the ordering of articles in the RSS when a group of articles are added at the same time. Updated rawdog URL in setup.py, since it now has a web page. Updated rssparser to feedparser 2.4, and added very preliminary support for the "content" element it can return (for Echo feeds). - rawdog 1.0 Initial stable release.